Saturday, May 16, 2009

peace ed 2009

i can harrrdly believe it! we've just finished our last course and had our last ever day of class yesterday!! it really feels like just a little while ago our class was just getting to know each other... and now we've just had our last pizza party and reminisced and laughed about the good/bad/funny times together this year!

it feels like i was still just getting to really know & bond with all of my classmates and now i've said bye already to a couple that had to hurry off home to jobs, etc... but i am thankful for this year of 17 amazing people with very different lives, ideas, passions and quirks coming together to do something so the same and SO very different... and i can indeed say that it was an awesome little family!

group hug!

(all photo credits to the awesome morea steinhauer!)

more to come again.. hopefully soon!

rainbow =)

ps. my classmates are crazy :) here's Trish & Birta's musical social activism for vegetable rights - "LETTUCE BE!" and "GIVE PEAS A CHANCE!"!!

(it actually starts after the first 2 minutes of them just laughing)

oh how i will miss these girls!! :)

1 comment:

Giba ( Junior ) said...

very good its blog, congratulations