life at home...
us vs. coconut

african dinner party for julianne's bday! :)

ice cream man! :) we run out when we hear the tinking bells on his cart

laundry fiasco... we left the water running once for our semi-automatic laundry machine and didn't notice until our kitchen & living room was flooded with 2 inches of water! :) it took us 2 hours to sweep the water out the door, but it was more funny than disastrous - thank goodness for tile floors!

class on hold to all watch the inauguration of Obama last week :)

hiking up to "el mirador" (the viewpoint?) on a few occasions, about a 40 minute hike up near campus, soon-to-be my backyard! :)

on a clear day you can see the pacific ocean over the valley

horsebackriding up near campus! :)
hope you enjoyed a couple more pictures! bedtime again for now before the last week of this course! a girl from Myanmar, Kyi Kyi and i

(picture: myself & Kyi Kyi dressing up in traditional myanmar clothes, and Adelaine from france in Korean (i think!) outfit on "asia night" last semester)
are doing a final project together, about using dramatic theatre to influence policy makers on the issue of access to internet, as a surface issue of dialoguing about perceptions of national security, which is more the heart of it. right now, the Myanmar government internet or blocks sites when they feel it's a threat to them, so we're planning a project that will use drama to bring together people from the government, non-government organizations and rural/urban areas to address the issue. Kyi Kyi's had quite some experience with using drama with youth to bring up child trafficking issues to the government, and what we're working on now is something she might be able to make use of when she goes home, so it's awesome working with her! :)
and lastly for now... in case anyone maybe finds a need for it... here's my mailing address! :)
Rainbow Choi
University for Peace
Department of Academic Administration
P.O. Box 138-6100
San José, Costa Rica
Central America
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