beachykeen goodness!

monkeys at the beach!!

i've never been so close to a live monkey not in a zoo!

and then for some snorkeling!!
(but with some dancing in our snorkel gear first!)

julianne's ONWARD HO! with her giant duck feet!

underwater world!!

(i wish you could see some of the fish in the pictures!)

it's not a bday without a cake! chocolate bday cake on the road (cuz i ate so much delicious pasta on my bday night i couldn't eat my cake til the next day)! :)

mmmm and bday pina coladas too!!

24!! :D
so that's it!! a little bday break, and indeeeeed beautiful start to a new year of being twenty four! school has continued to be intense and a little stressful & exhausting sometimes, but this semester is just zipping by! my friends ashley and jess will be coming in a week for easter break and my family's coming at the end of june for vacation/ graduation! i can't wait to share costa rica with them! :D
anyways, hope you are all doing well! til next time...

rainbow =)
1 comment:
MUAH! i love it1 what a creative God we have! i love that plants aren't JUST green leaves :)
good to read that you've continued with snorkeling! :)
yay for jess and ash. you guys will have so much fun!
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