giant killer ants! ... eck! extra incentive to try to keep the kitchen spotless!

crickets to sing us to sleep...

sometimes hoppy ones - Ross (our neighbour)'s cat Sylvia and her little toad friend.

and reptiley ones... just little ones though, phew! gecko in our garden!

here he is in our living room, pre-getting swept into a dustpan and swung into the garden

guess what's behind him under the tin can with a heavy bowl on top...?

SCORPION!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAH!! we were warned about these!! our neighbours found this one in the house and got it in a jar. yeeeeeks! we were counting ourselves lucky til i looked down one day doing my homework and saw it and ran and grabbed the first thing i could find to cup him in... and then left him for 3 days cuz we didn't know what to do... and then last night i turned out all the lights after finishing my homework and accidentally kicked the can over on my way back to my room in the dark!! i shrieked and screamed (waking julianne up, who laughed at me in the morning!) and ran for the kitchen and groped madly for the lights and to my relief, found the scorpion still beside the can. i covered him back up and went to bed. :)
haha that's crazy. if it make you feel any better the other day I went to throw something in the garbage can and there was a squirrel in it. IN MY HOUSE. That's the 2nd time I've cohabited with a squirrel, in 2 different places!
Haha that's hilarious! That would be terrifying
Debbie A.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeek! i guess that's the trade off for living in nature eh? what's worst..the creepy crawlers, or the car alarms :)
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